Maximising capacity for standing-only events: tips and techniques

Maximising capacity for standing-only events: tips and techniques

Written by
Joanna Chu

Understand the space:

Before planning any standing-only event, conduct a detailed assessment of the venue. Identify all usable spaces, including areas that might not typically be considered for guest use, such as balconies, terraces, or even corners and rooms that can be transformed into functional spaces. Understanding the full potential of the venue is the first step in maximising capacity.

Optimise the floor plan:

Develop a detailed floor plan that strategically uses all of the available spaces. Consider the flow of guests and ensure there are no hazards or areas that can get easily congested if too many guests are going through at the same time. Creating wide pathways and designated spaces (e.g., mingling area, entertainment, refreshments) will make it easier for guests to manoeuvre their way through the venue.

Efficient use of furniture and decor:

Since the goal is to accommodate as many standing guests as possible, minimise the use of large furniture. Opt for high-top tables and bar stools that encourage standing and mingling. Scatter a few strategically placed lounge areas for those who need to rest, but keep these to a minimum to maintain open space.

Strategic placement of amenities:

For large standing events, consider multiple smaller refreshment stations spread throughout the venue to avoid long lines and ensure guests can grab refreshments easily. Or utilise portable bars to serve drinks. These can be moved around as needed, helping to manage crowd flow and ensuring that guests don’t have to travel far for a refreshment.

Effective sound management:

Ensure that the sound system is well-distributed so guests can hear speeches, music, or announcements without crowding around a single area. Use multiple speakers placed around the venue to maintain an even sound level throughout.

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