Brian Freedman has been a devoted and long- serving servant of cricket for many years. Beginning his innings as a 14-year-old scorer for Bankstown Cricket Club’s second grade team, he later went on to be club president from 1982-2006 and a delegate to the Sydney Cricket
Association for 30 years. Somehow, he also found the time to be a board member of CNSW and Cricket Australia and manged the Australian under-19 men’s team.
The eponymous 32.9 sqm boardroom with 18 person capacity boasts stunning views of the oval and can be used for all manner of corporate events and meetings. It can also be paired up with the Rina Hore meeting room for bigger functions.
Brian Freedman Meeting Room at Cricket Central is perfect for: Team activity venue Sydney | Studio venue Sydney | Creative venue Sydney | Workshop venue Sydney | Meeting room Sydney | Presentation venue Sydney | Networking venue Sydney