Understanding the Why: Submitting the Ultimate Event Brief

Understanding the Why: Submitting the Ultimate Event Brief

Event briefs are foundational to creating amazing events. The best brief will not only create clear outlines of the event’s requirements but will also communicate the crux of the event; the why. Why the event needs to be created, why each detail supports the overall messaging and the intended outcome for attendees. When the why is clear, the path to bringing that event to life becomes even clearer. 

To ensure you get the best out of your event process, we’re outlining our top tips to creating the ultimate event brief. 

Understand the Why

On a surface level, this seems easy enough to tick off. If you’re holding a conference to introduce new company branding then surely introducing the new branding is the why? However, the best event briefs require some deeper digging. Rather than simply a means of introducing a new brand, your conference not only needs to inspire employees with the company’s new vision, but also help them to understand it. 

As we’ve noted in our 2024 Event Trends analysis, telling a story through events is key to truly engaging your attendees. Your why informs the overall story of your event, forming your messaging and themes and then, of course, your logistical requirements. 

Thinking deeper about the real why behind your event is vital; a clear why provides the framework for the rest of your event brief. 

Think About the Experience 

Similar to understanding your why, thinking about the experience you want your attendees to walk away with will determine your logistics. Do you want your event to feel premium, or do you want your attendees to walk out feeling relaxed and calm? Do you want to promote creative thinking within your meeting, or do you need a meeting that is fully focused on functionality? Once you have a vision of what you actually want your attendees to experience, you can uncover the necessary theming, suppliers and type of venue required to bring that experience to life. If you want attendees to have the VIP experience, outline your need for a premium restaurant with a private dining space. 

Understanding your desired event experience early on ensures all your event touchpoints enhance this. 

Iron Out Your Key Details 

Whilst events are always liable to change during the planning process, a successful event brief will outline key details - and whether these are flexible. What date/dates are needed, and what times; can these change depending on venue availability, or do these need to be set in stone? Iron out your expected number of guests, alongside your required location. Does this need to be in the CBD, or are you open to 5kms out of the city centre? Thinking about key facilities and amenities that are needed is vital, as this will inform venue and supplier choices. Do you require a venue with disabled access? Or do you need a venue close to public transport? 

Thinking about these key logistic requirements early can also support your sustainability goals. Outlining your need for a venue close to public transport will ensure your event can enjoy a reduced carbon footprint. Our Event Planners can use this information in your event brief to ensure the most sustainable venue options are presented. 

Be Realistic About Your Budget 

In a perfect world, the budget would simply grow to match the needs of your event. However, in reality, budget shapes an event. When planning your event brief, it’s vital to understand your budget constraints in order to prioritise where money is spent, and by how much. If hosting a conference, is your main priority a high-profile speaker to inspire attendees, or do you require premium catering for over 1,000 people? How much are you willing to spend on a venue? Do you require extensive AV, or a simple screen set-up? 

Our Brief Builder breaks down the budget by spend-per-head, creating an easy visual for you to understand your financial needs. 

Analysing your event holistically, especially the why, allows you to create an event brief that is both clear and communicates all necessary details. Think about the story you want to tell and the experience attendees should have to further understand the details and budget required to bring both to life. A well-thought-out event brief is a very important start to a successful event. 

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