How to Inspire Your Team to be Creative

How to Inspire Your Team to be Creative

Not all businesses are defined as ‘creative’ companies, but all companies need to be creative. Creativity is what keeps you agile and allows you to keep innovating, inspiring and staying ahead of the game. 

Creativity can be found in many different areas, but essentially it means having an open mind, looking for new ways to do things and coming up with novel ideas. It exists in all companies, small and large, in very different ways – but it can be increasingly hard to inspire and maintain, the bigger your business becomes.

The issue that companies have as they grow is that politics develop, hierarchies emerge, the workplace itself becomes over-familiar and routines are set in stone. So how do you fix that and inspire creativity in your workplace? Keep reading to find out.

The office

A lot of creativity stems from people’s mindset – how inspired and energised they feel, and feeling frustrated or bored in the office can inhibit creative ways of thinking.

Make your office environment an inclusive one and give all your colleagues the confidence they need to feel like their contribution is valid. 

Change things up as often as you can. Whether that means hosting a brainstorm session outside the office, having a catch-up down the road, organising an away day or weekend or just changing up where people sit, all these things can contribute to more energy in the office and getting those creative juices flowing again.

The company culture

Putting everyone on a level playing field is the only way to bring out the best in your colleagues. While it’s easier said than done, the stronger the relationships between team members, the more comfortable they are with each other, and the easier collaboration and teamwork becomes. 

Encourage face-to-face communication across all teams to avoid working in silos. Working in a tight-knit team, as is the basis of a start-up, is a way that small companies naturally avoid these pitfalls.

Give your employees responsibility and flexibility – having faith in their abilities and trust in their work ethic can inspire the best results.

There are so many ways your business can keep itself creative. Creativity is linked to where you work, the structure of your company, the people who work there and, most crucially, the way they feel.

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