Fuelling Team Synergy: How Corporate Retreats Can Benefit Your Team

Fuelling Team Synergy: How Corporate Retreats Can Benefit Your Team

As most workplaces embrace the hybrid work environment, there’s never been a stronger focus on maintaining team connection and synergy. Amidst the Zoom calls and Slack pings, a growing need to connect virtual teams has emerged. Corporate retreats might just be the answer. 

According to TravelPerk, corporate offsites have doubled in volume. This comes off the back of a 41% increase in business travel last year; a trend that will no doubt continue through 2024. Corporate retreats offer the opportunity to not only bring your team together, but to enhance their connections and well-being through a variety of activities and programs. Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky notes that ‘Zoom is great for maintaining relationships, but it’s not the best way to deepen them. Some creative work is best done in the same room’. 

As research highlights the importance of face-to-face connection, it’s time to see what corporate retreats can do for your team. 

Strengthen Your Team’s Connection

Bringing your team together is one of the best ways to build strong connections. Outside of the restrictions of both Zoom and the normal office environment, corporate retreats allow your team to really get to know one another. 

Schedule programs and activities that promote bonding, networking and, most importantly, teamwork. This can range from a simple problem-solving exercise, all the way to team challenges. Curating a range of experiences that encourage your team to build trust is key; mix it up so employees from different departments all have the chance to connect. 

René Siegel, a professor of public relations at San Jose University and founder and CEO of Connext, explains that meaningful business relationships are formed through connecting over personal interests. Corporate retreats are the perfect environment to facilitate these conversations. 

Unlock Creativity 

A change in scenery can have a surprising impact on your creativity. Kati Quigley, Senior Director of Marketing, Business Applications and Industry for Microsoft, notes ‘you want to get [people] out of their normal environment, because it makes them think differently. You build this engaging experience that shakes up their normal view of the world’. 

Giving your team a break from the office environment and 9-5 structure can provide the catalyst to new ideas. Hold a brainstorming session outdoors, or host a speaker to create inspiration. 

Venue choice can also promote a sense of wonder and creativity for your corporate retreat. Anything from historic buildings to unique conference spaces can make your corporate retreat feel like an office escape, giving your team the chance to unlock their imagination. 

Promote Team Wellbeing 

Whilst corporate retreats are a fantastic way to promote team synergy and ideation, they’re also a great way to rest and recharge. With the reported health effects of tech overuse, taking time away from the computer screen can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Ensure your team enables their OOO’s and reduces time spent checking emails or Slack messages (unless urgent, of course), so they can be fully immersed in the retreat experience. 

Whilst having a fantastic programme is one of the core elements to a retreat’s success, ensure your team has some included downtime. If your retreat is close to nature, encourage a walk around the garden or have lunch outside; research shows connection to nature is not only restorative but can strengthen individual resilience and coping skills.  

If you’re looking for a way to unlock the best in your team, corporate retreats are a fantastic option. Allowing the space to build connections, think more creatively and de-stress will create a stronger team, preparing your company for a fantastic year ahead.

Submit an event brief now and our Event Planners will get in touch to help you plan your next corporate retreat.

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