2024’s Biggest Event Trends And How They’re Continuing to Shape The Industry

2024’s Biggest Event Trends And How They’re Continuing to Shape The Industry

Thanks to emerging technologies and increasing attendee expectations, it’s never been more important to understand the evolving events landscape. Events have become more than just a way to bring people together and promote brand recognition; they’ve become a holistic experience that exists long after the physical event has finished. 

So what can you expect in 2024? From authentic storytelling, attendee immersion and sustainability to a renewed focus on creative collaboration, here are the top trends to consider for your event calendar. 

Tell a Story 

Humans are wired to love storytelling; so much so that our brains release a chemical cocktail of dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin when we hear them. As the digital landscape becomes oversaturated with filtered messaging and 3-second soundbites, consumers are instead craving authentic human connection. Events are no longer about filling a room; they’re a vehicle to tell your story. This extends beyond just your event program or venue choice. Event entertainment specialists Play Agency highlight the need to think about ‘The Why’. Why are you hosting the event, and why is it important to both your brand and attendees? What exactly are you trying to achieve? 

‘It’s important for clients to curate their events, including their entertainment solutions, based on their event objectives and who their target audience is’- Play Agency 

Storytelling should drive every event touchpoint to create a truly compelling experience. Get creative with how you can utilise your space and suppliers; AV production company Alive Technologies notes how a simple shift from screen-based content to live panels can drive more discussion and storytelling. 

Your story should continue to be a key focus post-event. Videography is a fantastic way to capture the essence and atmosphere of your event, allowing you to share your narrative more broadly via social media.  

Immersive Experiences 

As events continue to innovate and evolve, so do attendee expectations. This follows one in four event creators believing that ‘what they do is less about producing events and more about designing experiences’ (EventBrite, 2023). From the moment they arrive to the minute they leave (and often in the hours and days after through digital interaction), attendees expect to be fully immersed. 

Be purposeful and creative in your design choices to create a fully immersive environment. Key elements like lighting can truly transform a space and bring it to life. Lighting ensures when attendees enter a space ‘it’s no longer just a room.’ 

‘That room can be as many rooms as creativity allows. It can take the audience on a journey’ - Alive Technologies 

Similarly, styling can be used to create a whole new world. The recent surge in biophilic design reflects a need to create unique spaces for attendees; one might enter from the concrete jungle of the CBD, but become quickly submerged in a space filled with cascading greenery. Creative event agency, This Space, also notes how using emerging trends (wisely) can become another source of engagement. Incorporating popular trends like Pantone’s ‘Peach Fuzz’ Colour of the Year can create recognition for your audience, sparking moments of delight. However, This Space notes the need to be quick and purposeful in utilising such trends. 

‘Trends tow a fine line; how are you engaging with the trend within your design in a way that is new and fresh? In a world where trends are so easily influenced and changed, you need to be fast and reactive, otherwise, it can very quickly become old news’ - This Space 

As HeadBox Event Planner Sarah highlights, the need for immersion extends through to venue choice. ‘Many of the briefs we receive are looking for unique venues; from warehouses, heritage buildings to galleries and theatres. Having an extensive venue collection means we can find the perfect venue’. That perfect venue can fully envelop attendees in your world, right from the moment they arrive. 


No longer something to simply tick off a list, sustainability continues to drive all event touchpoints, from supplier materials to the journey to de-carbonisation. This comes off the back of an increasing climate emergency, with 2023 marking the warmest year on record

Ensuring your event’s sustainability can start with supplier choices. For many, sustainability is a core part of their offering. Alive Technologies has invested heavily in LEDs, whilst moving to digital resources to reduce paper usage. Sustainability is not just about eco-conscious materials either. Entertainment options with a sustainability focus drive much of Play Agency’s strategy, from recycled drum shows to activities that give back to the community. 

Beyond suppliers, considering your ongoing environmental impact is key. Sustainability platform Trace has noted a shift towards structured de-carbonisation strategies, with carbon offsetting acting as a supporting initiative rather than the entire focus. 

‘Decarbonisation should always be the primary goal, with credible, high-quality offsets functioning to: make a quick and tangible impact, compensate for unavoidable emissions, and act as a ‘carbon tax’ to drive decarbonisation and reduce the cost to offset’ - Trace 

Considering attendee travel is becoming increasingly important; it’s also often the biggest contributor to an event’s carbon footprint. Can you choose a venue that can be reached on foot, or is public-transport friendly? 

Our new Journeys tool allows you to easily track your carbon footprint by calculating your event travel emissions. By inputting your travel information, you can ensure you choose the most sustainable venue. Our Business Events proposals also highlight each venue’s sustainability initiatives, supporting more eco-friendly choices. 

Collaboration Creates Value-Driven Events 

Events need to be purposeful and authentic to drive real value. Making informed, conscious decisions across all elements will help you create the immersive, storytelling experiences attendees not only crave, but now expect

One of the best ways to achieve this is through supplier collaboration. Engaging your suppliers early allows them to provide the most value; as Play Agency notes, curating tailored choices generates ‘far greater legacy and impact than an on-trend off-the-shelf model’. 

‘Clear communication ensures that we capture the essence of your event in a way that aligns with your vision’ - LP Photography 

By allowing your supplier to tailor bespoke creative solutions, you can not only ensure your investment drives value, but provides a truly memorable and unique experience for attendees.

Our Event Management Lead Claire notes how important supplier collaboration is to a successful event. ‘We have a strong database of trusted suppliers that we know will elevate an event. Involving our suppliers early means they can truly understand a client’s vision and needs.’ 

In 2024, it’s time to be purposeful, creative and innovative. Engage your suppliers early to ensure all aspects of your event immerse attendees into your story, and continue to consider your own sustainability initiatives. Staying on top of these ever-evolving trends will ensure your events are talked about long after they conclude.

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